There are, in fact, pros and cons to making your bed every day.
When it comes to making your bed, it always seems that people are firmly in either one camp or the other: either they make their bed every day or they hate making the bed and never do it. Many adults today grew up being forced to make their bed every single day whether they wanted to or not. And now that those people are mostly in control of their own lives, they finally have a say in the matter. But are there actual benefits to making your bed every single day aside from simply having a made bed? There are, in fact, pros and cons to making your bed every day. Let’s explore them so that you can decide for yourself whether this daily chore is something that you want to incorporate into your life, and then we can discuss how to do it “right”.
The Benefits Of Making Your Bed Daily
Ask anyone who makes their bed religiously, and they will tell you that there are many benefits to it. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who regularly made their mattress felt that they slept better at night (which goes hand-in-hand with people who keep a tidy room and feel that they sleep better at night in a clean space). Another potential benefit is that you get to check something off your to-do list almost automatically. Don’t underestimate the value of this psychologically: The sense of pride and accomplishment from it can carry you through and convince you to do other things on your to-do list. Proponents of bedmaking also think that it makes you happier, since more mess usually equals more stress, and an unmade mattress is visual clutter in your room. Finally, for many people, it’s nice to end the day with a clean sleeping space that’s already made and comfortable to get into. This is especially true if you have pets or kids who tend to climb all over your bed during the day. If the bed is unmade, it’s more likely to get dirty.
The Drawbacks Of Making Your Bed Daily
Some of those benefits of making your bed every day might be a little subjective, or they simply might not seem like a benefit to you. If the thought of making your bed every day adds stress to your morning, then don’t do it. If you really truly do not care, then it’s probably not worth it. The bottom line is that making your bed every day is another task that you have to make time for and remember to do, especially if it’s not already second nature to you.
How To Make Your Bed Correctly
If you decide that making your bed every day is something that you want to do, then you should take the time to do it correctly. First, buy the right sheets. Many modern mattress dimensions are thicker than traditional mattresses and regular sheets don’t always fit correctly. Next, decide if you’re going to use a top sheet or not. Top sheets are definitely optional – some people like them and some people don’t. Finally, decide on a time to do it, and stick to that time. Once you make it a habit it is easier to stick with it.
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