If you are not getting the right amount of sleep that you need, it is time to consider shopping around for a new mattress.
Your bed is the most crucial piece of furniture in your entire home. It is where you recharge and rest after a long day asleep. A mattress that is both supportive and fluffy can improve your sleep and can contribute to better long-term health. If you are not getting the right amount of sleep that you need, it is time to consider shopping around for a new mattress. Are you unsure if you’re ready to go mattress shopping? If the answer is a solid yes, then it is time. Read on for a few key signs that it’s time to upgrade to a new mattress.
Mattress Questions to Consider
You need to consider some questions and ask yourself if you’re having trouble sleeping at night. They are:
- You wake up with pains and aches: Do you ever wake up with a sore back and achy joints on a regular basis?
- You are tired all the time: Do you usually wake up still exhausted after a full night’s rest?
- Your mattress looks old and withered: Does your mattress look beat up? Withered and dried out? Does it sag? Is it lumpy?
- Your mattress is aged: when is the last time you bought a new bed for yourself? Based on your mattress’s amount of use and quality, it is recommended to swap out and replace your mattress around every seven to ten years.
- You sleep much better away from home: Do you ever find yourself getting a much better night’s rest in a bed at a friend’s house or hotel? If so, then it is time to get yourself a snazzy new mattress.
Every time your life changes in a big way, so should your mattress. When you leave to go to college, it is time to upgrade from your old childhood bed. When you get married and settle down, your bed will have to be big enough for two people. If you’ve got kids, it might have to even be bigger. Also, remember your body changes as time passes. As you age, your need and desire for comfort and support is sure to increase. That is why it is a bright idea to compare the mattress and foundation you’re sleeping on now to newer models every couple of years.
Consider Your New Mattress as an Investment
A supportive, comfortable mattress created with high-quality materials isn’t cheap. With an overwhelming amount of choices out there on the market, it can be very easy to pick up a cheap mattress and move on. However, remember that you’re spending about a third of your life sleeping on your mattress. Make sure it is a good one that you purchase because an excellent mattress is an investment for your lifetime.
When doing your research on Mattress Peddlers, you’ll find we match up to top-quality mattress company criteria, and even go beyond it! We’ve been a family-owned business providing quality mattresses and furniture throughout Delaware and even beyond since 1994. We love working closely with our customers to figure out their needs and also offer free shipping throughout Lewes, Millsboro, Rehoboth Beach, Harbeson, and the surrounding areas of Delaware.