One way you can stay healthy is by getting enough sleep.
We’re in the middle of a very tough time nationwide, and worldwide for that matter. With the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our hands, there hasn’t been a more critical time to consider our health. One way you can stay healthy is by getting enough sleep. One of the most potent weapons against getting sick from most diseases and illnesses is easy, free, and widely available to every single person in the world – sleep. It’s healing and preventative health benefits are very well documented, and it’s yours for the taking. Here are some sleeping tips to consider to keep you from getting sick during this virus outbreak.
Is Sleep Actually Our Defense Mechanism?
There is a growing amount of evidence that makes a solid case for sleep and its critical role in maintaining both short and long-term health. Its well understood that sleep deprivation opens up the door to a wide range of illnesses by weakening the body’s immune system, both now and in the future. Pulling a couple of all-nighters to get some work finished or a weekend full of late-night partying is enough to make you more susceptible to the flu or cold. That is just one more reason to take these sleeping tips serious to stay healthy.
How Sleep Helps you Beat Illnesses
Research has gained some valuable insight into why getting sleep is simply the best medicine. Sleeping on a brand new mattress helps, but sleeping in general can do wonders for you. Sleep is typically associated with a brain protein called AcPb that has been shown to speed up recovery in tests done on lab mice that happened to be infected with the flu strain H1N1. Another part of this sleeping equation is tied to its effect on fevers that are usually part of the illness. When you feel hot and flushed, that’s a sign that your body is at work, engaging in a battle against viruses. Fevers usually rise at night when you’re sleeping. If you’re up late and not asleep, your body isn’t in prime condition to fight back. To secret is to make sure you’re getting plenty of deep sleep, where your body can do all its heavy lifting to protect and restore you. This is one of the best important sleeping tips to consider going forward.
Nobody knows when or how the Coronavirus situation will be solved, but one of the best ways we can stay healthy in the meantime is with a good night’s rest on a comfortable mattress.
When doing your research on Mattress Peddlers, you’ll find we match up to top-quality mattress company criteria, and even go beyond it! We’ve been a family-owned business providing quality mattresses and furniture throughout Delaware and even beyond since 1994. We love working closely with our customers to figure out their needs and also offer free shipping throughout Lewes, Millsboro, Rehoboth Beach, Harbeson, and the surrounding areas of Delaware.
To find out more information, call us at 302-947-9669 or email us at info@mattresspeddlers.com. If you want more updates on what we’re up to and news in the mattress world, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.